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Vlad the Viking is one of the creators of Poptropica. In Time Tangled Island, he is the leader of a clan of Vikings who got stuck on an island.




Role on Time Tangled Island[]

When Thor's Amulet got scattered in time, it ended up in the hands of a man at the building site of the Great Wall of China, Vlad and his Vikings got stranded at an island and refused to leave without the amulet. A Poptropican went to a man and beat him at a memory game to get it back. They then returned it to Vlad, and he and the Vikings sailed off to sea.


  • He doesn't blog in the Poptropica Creators Blog anymore.
  • His username is vladthevikingcreator.


Poptropica Creators
People Christopher Barney | Jess Brallier | Paul Gilligan | Jeff Kinney | Jordan Leary | Kory Merritt | Jon Pitcher | Rick Riordan | Tracey West
Aliases Binary Bard | Black Widow | Captain Crawfish | Director D | Dr. Hare | Fact Monster | Gamer Guy | Hades | Hazmat Hermit | Master Mime | Medusa | Ned Noodlehead | Shark Boy | Skinny Moon | Test123 | Thirsty Whale | Triton | Vlad the Viking | Zeus
Time Tangled Island logo transparent
Items Amulet | Declaration of Independence | Glider | Goggles | Golden Vase | Gunpowder | Island Medallion | Mission Printout | Notebook | Peace Medal | Phonograph | Piece of Stone | Rumpel's 2nd Riddle | Salt Rocks | Statuette of Liberty | Stone Bowl | Time Device | Viking Suit | Warrior Headdress
Time tangled island
Locations Ancient Greece (Temple of Apollo) | Aztec Empire | Da Vinci's Workshop | Edison's Workshop | The Graff House | Great Wall of China | Lewis and Clark | Main Street (Party Time Tower | Pendulum's Lab) | Mali Empire (Timbuktu Inn) | Mount Everest | Possible Future | Restored Future | Statue of Liberty (Gaget, Gauthier and Cie) | Vikings (Cave)
Characters Aristotle | Aztec Guards | Aztec King | Aztec Queen | Benjamin Franklin | Captain Meriwether Lewis | Chinese Soldier | Cobra | Document Merchant | Edmund Hillary | Exploding Crab | Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi | Greek Soldiers | Henry Ford | John Adams | Leonardo da Vinci | Oracle of Delphi | Professor Pendulum | Randomized NPCs | Sacagawea | Scientists | Spanish Soldier | Tenzing Norgay | Thomas Edison | Thomas Jefferson | Toussaint Charbonneau | Vlad the Viking | William Clark | York
Member Items N/A