Titans were large powerful beings which were destroyed by the combined power of Zeus' Master Bolt, Poseidon's Trident, and Hades' Crown while they were rampaging around Olympus. According to the ancient myths they were the children of Gaia and Ouranos.
The Titans were the original gods. They were born from Ouranos (or Uranus, aka the Sky) and Gaia (the Earth), representing the primordial forces of the universe. Powerful and ancient, they ruled over the cosmos for a time.
Kronos (or Cronus), a Titan, overthrew his father Uranus with the help of his mother Gaia. Fearing a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him, Kronus devoured each of his offspring as they were born. However, Rhea, his wife, managed to save their youngest child, Zeus, by substituting a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes.
When Zeus grew up, he forced Kronos to regurgitate his siblings: Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. United, they challenged their father and the Titans for supremacy in a long war known as the Titanomachy.
The Olympians, with their youth, vigor, and the aid of the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires (giant, monstrous beings), eventually gained the upper hand.
The Olympians emerged victorious, with Zeus establishing his dominion over the sky, Poseidon ruling the seas, and Hades claiming the underworld. The defeated Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus, a dark, gloomy abyss beneath the earth.
They are much bigger than the Olympian gods.
Role on Mythology Island[]
The Titans defeat is depicted in a mural.
Role on Poptropolis Games Island[]
Atlas appears as a statue on Poptropicans.
List of Titans[]
List of 1st Generation Titans (Titanes)[]
- Okeanos: Ruler of the World encircling River, Titan of the Ocean, Water and Water Bodies, Overseer of the rising and setting of Heavenly Bodies
- Hyperion: "The High One", Ruler of the Eastern region of the World, Titan of Light, Fire, the Sun, Sight, the Moon and the Dawn, Master of Day and Night.
- Krios: "The Ram", Ruler of the Southern region of the World, Titan of the Stars, Constellations and the Winds, Regulator of the Seasons.
- Koios: "The Questioner", Ruler of the Northern Region of the World, Titan of Clairvoyance, Prophecy, Foresight and Intelligence, Measured Time, Presumably ruled cold regions
- Iapetos: "The Piercer", Ruler of the Western region of the World, Titan of Mortality, Lifespan and Death, Presumably ruled the Underworld before Hades, Ancestor of Humans
- Kronos: "The Crooked One", Ruler of the entire World, Titan of Destructive Time, Harvest, Justice, Fate and Evil, Ancestor of the Gods, Father of the Elder Olympians, King of the Titans.
List of 1st Generation Titanides[]
- Mnemosyne: Titan of Memory and Scripts, Mother of the Muses by Zeus
- Tethys: Titan of the Sea and Water, Mother of the Oceanids by Oceanus
- Theia: Titan of Sight and Luster, Mother of the Sun, Moon, and Dawn by Hyperion
- Phoibe: Titan of Mystery and Prophecy, Consort of Koios. First patron deity of Delphi.
- Rhea: Titan of Fertility, Motherhood and Generation, Queen of the Titans, Consort of Kronos, Mother of the six Elder Olympians
- Themis: Titan of Justice and Divine Law, Consort of Zeus.
2nd Generation[]
Children of Okeanos
- Okeanids: Fresh water Nymphs
- Potamoi: River Spirits
- Kerkôpes
Children of Hyperion
- Eos: Titan of Dawn
- Helios: Titan of the Sun
- Selene: Titan of the Moon
Children of Koios
- Lelantos: Titan of Stealth
- Leto: Titan of Modesty, Motherhood and Demurity
- Asteria: Titan of Prophecy, Dreams and Spirits
Children of Iapetos
- Atlas: Arrogant Titan of Endurance. The strongest and the second most powerful Titan
- Prometheus: The sly Titan of Forethought and Crafty Counsel. Creator of Humankind
- Epimetheus: The foolish Titan of Afterthought. Creator of Animals
- Menoitios: The rash Titan of Rage and Violence
- Ankhiale: Titan goddess of the warming heat of fire
Children of Krios
- Astraios: Titan of Planets and Astrology. Father of the four Winds
- Pallas: Titan of Warfare
- Perses: Titan of Destruction (Small Scale)
- Not all Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus. Key Titans Who Remained Free:
- Oceanus and Tethys: The primordial sea god and his wife, parents of many river gods, remained neutral during the war and continued their lives undisturbed.
- Themis: She sided with the Olympians and became a trusted advisor to Zeus.
- Mnemosyne: She became the mother of the Muses after marrying Zeus.
- Phoebe and Leto: Leto, their daughter, became the mother of Apollo and Artemis.
- Hyperion: While his role in the Titanomachy is unclear, he is often associated with the sun and is not typically listed among the imprisoned Titans.
- The Titans are modeled after Zeus in the mural.
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