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The Oompa Loompas are small, imp-like creatures that are workers for Willy Wonka in his chocolate factory on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Island.


The Oompa Loompas are very small. The females wear clothes made of leaves and have flowers in their blonde hair. The males have golden hair and clothes of animal hide. They all have pale skin.


Role on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Island[]

They sing throughout the island after the misbehaving children (Mike Teavee, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, Augustus Gloop) do something irresponsible, like in the movie. Other than that, they don't do much, but they do carry them out of the scene by going through walls.

The Oompa Loompas' costumes are the special item and also the Oompa Loompa Power is another of the special powers.


  • There was once a members-only Oompa Loompa costume which is now gone from the store. There is also the members-only Oompa-Loompa power.
  • When you activate the Oompa-Loompa power, a male Oompa-Loompa comes and gives you a candy item that your Poptropican will hold in their hand.

Store Items
Costumes American Football Player | Angel | Apple Pie Costume | April Fool | Astronaut | Atlantis Captain | Baby Boy | Baby Girl | Baseball Batter | Baseball Fielder | Beach Ball | Beachgoer | Beta Tester Costume | Big Burger | Big Carrot | Big Hearted | Bigfoot Fanatic | Biker | Biome Hats | Booga Shaman | Bottle Cap Costume | Bounce Ball | Bride of Frankenstein | Bully Bot Costume | Candy Bar | Capes 'n' Cowls | Cheerleader | Cheesy Mouse | Cherry | Clown | Cowboy | Cowgirl | Crazy Rooster | Creepy Countess | Cyclops | Dare Devil | Dark Astro Knight | Disco King | Disco Queen | Diving Suit | Dragon | Earth Astro Knight | Earth Day Shirt | Egyptian Mummy | Einstein | Elf Costume | Fairy Queen | Fake Noses | Fierce Lion | Firefighter | Fishing Suit | Flower Power! | Flying Ace | Frankenstein | Furry Monster 1 | Furry Monster 2 | Furry Monster 3 | Furry Monster 4 | Galactic Space Suit | Game Show Costume | Game Show Robot | Gamer Dude | Gamer Girl | Geisha | Ghillie Suit | Ghost Hunter Suit | Gothic Cheerleader | Graduate | Hammerhead Shark | Hard Helmet | Hazmat Suit | Heart Astro Knight | Holiday Ball | The Hombre | Hot Dog | Hypnotic | Icarus | Ice Cream | Island Wildlife - Dodo | Island Wildlife - Pig | Karate Master | The Kid | Large Fry | Lawman | The Loner | Light and Shadow Outfits | Light Ninja | Lemon Meringue | Leprechaun | Lightning Knight | Little Candy Cane | Little Demon | Lumberjerk | Lunar Colony Costume | Maegashira | Magician | Masked Hero | Medusa Surfer | Mega Dog Costume | Midnight Ninja | Midnight Red Ninja | Milk Box Costume | Mud Pie | Mystery Train Inspector | Mythology Surfer | Night Hare | Oompa-Loompa | Ozeki | Peacemaker | Pharaoh | Pirate Captain | Plundered Armor | Pop Star | Poptropica's 5th Birthday! | Poptropica's 6th Birthday! | Poptropica's 7th Birthday! | Popzilla Costume | Prom King | Prom Queen | Psychedelic Shirt | Puffer Fish | Puppy | Queen of Egypt | Realms Builder | Renegade Robot | Retro Robot | Rhino Costume | Ringmaster | Robin Hood | Robot Costume | Rock Singer | Rock Star | Rock Star 2 | Royal Ball | Samurai | Sanyaku | Scarecrow | Scifi Doctor | Sea Captain | Sir Cador | Sky Hawk Warrior | Skull Pirate | Snowman | Soccer Player | Soda Pop | Sombrero | Southern Belle | Space Sentry | Sparkle Power | Spiked Bounce Ball | Spy Agent | Stealth Agent | Steam Robot | Super Hard Helmet | Swamp Monster | Swan Ballerina | Templar Knight | Tiger Shark | Tofu Dog | Troll | Unfinished Costume | Vampire Boy | Vampire Count | Vampire Countess | Vampire Girl 1 | Vampire Girl 2 | Vampire Girl 3 | Waffle | Werewolf Boy | Werewolf Girl | Wrestling Gear | Xenon Trooper | Yokozuna | Zaggy Moondust
Effects Alien Archaeology | Atom Power | Beach Umbrella | Burnt Orange Tan Power | Classic Flavor Popgum | Crayons | Discus | Dr. Hare Ears Power | Dryad Follower | Electrify! | Evil Henchmen | F.R.E.D. Follower | Flower Power! | Followers | Fortune Cookie | Garlic Breath | Glitch Power | Grape Flavor Popgum | Hare Club | Hat Trick | Heat Wave | Inside-Out Power | Love Potion | Medusa | Midas Touch | Minimizer | Moon Rock | Narf Follower | Oompa Loompa Power | Phantom | Plant-a-Statue | Prank Can | Psychedelic Flavor Popgum | Raven Swarm | Ship Follower | The Silent Treatment | Skeleton Power | Sleeping Powder | Smiley Potion | Snow Fall | Sonar Power | Star Power |Torch | Troll | Twin Power | Vampire Bat Gum | Virtual Virus Costume | Wind Power | Zombify!
Equippable Backpack | Balloon | Balloons | Big Blue |Binary Rain | Birthday Balloon | The Bolt | Clapboard | Dr. Hare Deluxe Balloons | Everlasting Gobstopper | Fart Gun | Fireworks | Fishing Pole | Grape Gum | Hypno-Powder | Lightning Staff | Poptropica App Tablet & Phone | Rusty Relic | Safety Flare | Scimitar | Shield | Shrink Ray | Silly Streams | Skull Mask | Sneezing Powder | Viking Shields | Whoopzie Cushion | Vampire Bat Gum
Mini-Islands Dr. Hare's Secret Lab | Earth Day - Don't Be An Energy Hog | Haunted House | Legendary Swords
Miscellaneous Arabian Nights Poster | Avatar Studio | Bobblehead | Colorizer | Edison Light Bulb | Einstein | Galactic Hot Dogs Poster | Magician's Hat | Make Your Own Neon Weiner | Mark Twain Haircut | Multiverse | Nano-Combat Training | Poptropica Realms | PoptropiCon Poster | Portrait Printer | Prepare for Impact! | Shrink Shot | Skullduggery Teaser Trailer
Animals Bat | Bigfoot | Bosko Oksob | Cerberus | Chupacabra | Cobra | Dragon | Elmer | Exploding Crab | Giant Squid | Great Beast | Great Booga Shark | Hydra | Jellyfish | Jersey Devil | Kappa | Little Eddie | Pegasus | Prized Porker | Red Baron | Scorpion | Sea Monsters | Snoopy | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Whiskers | White Whale | Wild Boar | Wolves | Yeti
Humanoids Big Blue | Christopher | Count Bram | Elf Queen | Elves | Fiona | Goblin | Medusa | Minotaur | The Oompa-Loompas | Princess Dagger | Purple Giant | Ringmaster Raven | Satyrs | Titan | Zomberry
Insects CC13 Influenza | Dryads | Giant Caterpillar | Giant Spider | Giant Spider (Early Poptropica)
Nature Gargoyle | Nabooti Totem | Nessie | Nøkken | Plant Monster Brains | Plant Monsters | Rock-Caterpillar | Trolls
Robots Dragotank | Mechanical Mouse | Merlin | Metal Piranha | Mother Phoenix | Space Sharks | Tigercopter
Items Golden Ticket | Sixth Ticket | Silver Coin | Walnut | Island Medallion | Willy Wonka's Cane | Whipped Cream | Fizzy Lifting Drink
Locations Chocolate Factory (Factory Courtyard | Nut Room (Incinerator) | Chocolate Room (Fudge Room) | Television Room (Bubblegum Room) | Inventing Room (Juicing Room) | Maze Room) | Main Street (Corner Shop | Wonka Factory Outlet) | Tenements
Characters Charlie Bucket | Grandpa Joe | Willy Wonka | Augustus Gloop | Augustus's Mom | Mike Teavee | Veruca Salt | Violet Beauregarde | The Oompa-Loompas | Corner Shop Worker | Townspeople | Squirrel
Member Items N/A