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Randomized NPCs are townies that usually appear on the Main Streets of islands. On the reload of the scene, the previous randomized character is replaced with a completely different one, while keeping the same dialogue.


On reload of the scene, a randomized NPC will completely be remodeled, while keeping the same dialogue. They could go from female to male, long to short hair, etc. They aren't supposed to be the same character each time - it creates the illusion of many inhabitants.


NPCs at the Soda Pop Shop.


The randomized NPC's barely ever have anything to do with the plot. However, there's been some occasions like Spy Island where their hair gets zapped away while they each say different things.

Advertisements and Pop Quizzes[]

The same NPC characters appear in Poptropica ads and Pop Quizzes. A list of them are:

Green stripped shirt boy[]

Pink glasses and shirt girl[]

Blue and red stripped shirt boy[]

Purple shirt and headband girl[]

Early Poptropica Island logo transparent
Items Glow Stick | Golden Egg | Jet Pack | Island Medallion | Prized Porker | Signal Flag | Water Bucket
Locations Aircraft Graveyard | Dark Room | Early Poptropica | Giant Garden | Main Street (Arcade | PopArt Museum | Soda Pop Shop) | The Pit | Poptropica Towers | The Purple Giant | Storage Cavern
Characters Balloon Vendor | Georges-Pierre Seurat | Giant Spider | Glow Stick Guy | Green Explorer | Leonardo da Vinci | Pilgrims | Purple Giant | Purple Spiders | Prized Porker | Randomized NPCs | Skateboard Kid | Spider Girl | Vincent van Gogh
Member Items N/A
Super Power Island logo transparent
Items Anti-Power Handcuffs | Hot Dog | Island Medallion | Super Hero ID | Super Villain Files | The Superhero's Handbook
Locations City Park (Boys' Restroom | Girls' Restroom) | Down Town (Bank) | The Junkyard | Main Street (Comic Shop | The Daily Paper | Masks & Capes) | The Skyscraper (Betty Jetty Battle) | Sewer Entrance | Sewer Room | Subway Station (Subway)
Characters Bank Policeman | Bank Policewoman | Betty Jetty | City Park Policeman | Copy Cat | County Jail Policeman | Crusher | Distressed Banker | Hazmat Hermit | Hot Dog Vendor | Junkyard Policeman | Junkyard Policewoman | Main Street Policeman | Masks & Capes Policewoman | Masks & Capes Salesman | Ned Noodlehead | Pretzel Vendor | Prison Warden | Randomized NPCs | Ratman | Rats | Retired Superhero | Scientist | Sir Rebral | Skyscraper Policeman | Sneaky Bear | Speeding Spike | Subway Policeman | Subway Policewoman | Vicious Flies
Member Items N/A
Shark Tooth Island logo transparent
Items Calming Potion | Carbonated Coconut Milk | Grass Skirt | Island Medallion | Key Ingredient | Old Bone | Shark Fin | Translation Key
Locations Ancient Ruins | Booga Bay | Castaway Island | The Medicine Man | Main Street (Coconut Cafe | Tourism Center | Shark Museum) | Temple Dungeon | Temple Entrance | Temple Treasure Room
Characters Bat | Booga Bay Fisherman | Coconut Milk Vendor | Distressed Mother | Female Explorer | Fruit Bat Man | Giant Caterpillar | Grass Skirt Vendor | Great Beast | Great Booga Shark | Male Explorer | Professor Hammerhead | Medicine Man | Native Islanders | Professor Pendulum | Randomized NPCs | Shark Boy | Shark Fin Vendor | Shipwrecked Boy | Tourist Info Lady | Tourist Lady
Member Items N/A
Time Tangled Island logo transparent
Items Amulet | Declaration of Independence | Glider | Goggles | Golden Vase | Gunpowder | Island Medallion | Mission Printout | Notebook | Peace Medal | Phonograph | Piece of Stone | Rumpel's 2nd Riddle | Salt Rocks | Statuette of Liberty | Stone Bowl | Time Device | Viking Suit | Warrior Headdress
Time tangled island
Locations Ancient Greece (Temple of Apollo) | Aztec Empire | Da Vinci's Workshop | Edison's Workshop | The Graff House | Great Wall of China | Lewis and Clark | Main Street (Party Time Tower | Pendulum's Lab) | Mali Empire (Timbuktu Inn) | Mount Everest | Possible Future | Restored Future | Statue of Liberty (Gaget, Gauthier and Cie) | Vikings (Cave)
Characters Aristotle | Aztec Guards | Aztec King | Aztec Queen | Benjamin Franklin | Captain Meriwether Lewis | Chinese Soldier | Cobra | Document Merchant | Edmund Hillary | Exploding Crab | Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi | Greek Soldiers | Henry Ford | John Adams | Leonardo da Vinci | Oracle of Delphi | Professor Pendulum | Randomized NPCs | Sacagawea | Scientists | Spanish Soldier | Tenzing Norgay | Thomas Edison | Thomas Jefferson | Toussaint Charbonneau | Vlad the Viking | William Clark | York
Member Items N/A
Spy Island logo transparent
Items Chameleon Suit | Chef Hat | Decoder Kit | File X | Fingerprint | Grappling Bowtie | Island Medallion | Laser Pen | Satellite Clues | Teleporter Fuse | Ultra Vision Goggles
Spy island
Locations B.A.D. Satellite | Balding Avenue | Control Center | The Docks | Main Street (The Hair Club) | Roof Tops | Toupee Terrace
Characters Director D | Randomized NPCs | Dr. Spyglass | Top Secret Secretary
Member Items N/A