Poptropica Wiki

The Prized Porker is an item and character from Early Poptropica Island. You must take it back from the Green Sewer Spider and return it to its owner in the town of Early Poptropica. It seems to be the only source of food for the Pilgrims.


As it belongs in Early Poptropica, the pig's design appears to be 8-bit, similar to the Early Poptropicans.


Sometime before the player finds the island, the Pig was stolen by the Giant Spider. Luckily, the player (you) came and took it back to its owner, the Farmer. Its owner also hinted that he might soon slaughter the Pig and cook it. (A "Porker" is a pig raised for food.) 


  • A 'Porker' is a pig raised for food.
  • This creature is both an item and a character.
  • It is the only 8-bit animal.

Early Poptropica Island logo transparent
Items Glow Stick | Golden Egg | Jet Pack | Island Medallion | Prized Porker | Signal Flag | Water Bucket
Locations Aircraft Graveyard | Dark Room | Early Poptropica | Giant Garden | Main Street (Arcade | PopArt Museum | Soda Pop Shop) | The Pit | Poptropica Towers | The Purple Giant | Storage Cavern
Characters Balloon Vendor | Georges-Pierre Seurat | Giant Spider | Glow Stick Guy | Green Explorer | Leonardo da Vinci | Pilgrims | Purple Giant | Purple Spiders | Prized Porker | Randomized NPCs | Skateboard Kid | Spider Girl | Vincent van Gogh
Member Items N/A
Animals Bat | Bigfoot | Bosko Oksob | Cerberus | Chupacabra | Cobra | Dragon | Elmer | Exploding Crab | Giant Squid | Great Beast | Great Booga Shark | Hydra | Jellyfish | Jersey Devil | Kappa | Little Eddie | Pegasus | Prized Porker | Red Baron | Scorpion | Sea Monsters | Snoopy | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Whiskers | White Whale | Wild Boar | Wolves | Yeti
Humanoids Big Blue | Christopher | Count Bram | Elf Queen | Elves | Fiona | Goblin | Medusa | Minotaur | The Oompa-Loompas | Princess Dagger | Purple Giant | Ringmaster Raven | Satyrs | Titan | Zomberry
Insects CC13 Influenza | Dryads | Giant Caterpillar | Giant Spider | Giant Spider (Early Poptropica)
Nature Gargoyle | Nabooti Totem | Nessie | Nøkken | Plant Monster Brains | Plant Monsters | Rock-Caterpillar | Trolls
Robots Dragotank | Mechanical Mouse | Merlin | Metal Piranha | Mother Phoenix | Space Sharks | Tigercopter