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It's not just a game
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The Kappa is a mythical Japanese creature. It is apparently thought of as a legend by the citizens of Old Japan.


The Kappa is a small green frog-like humanoid. It has a very large head and a red duck bill, a tortoise shell and wears a Japanese hat.

Role on Red Dragon Island[]

You have to help a fisherman to capture the Kappa using a Rotten Fish you found. To catch it you must be clever because the Kappa is sly and sneaky. It will try to use different routes to get the fish so as to avoid capture. You must block all the routes so the Kappa will run straight into your net and capture him.


  • It likes to eat fish, even rotten ones.
    • However, in mythology the Kappa is supposed to love the taste of cucumbers and human blood.


See also[]

Red Dragon Island logo transparent
Items A Journey to Old Japan | Bag of Mortar | Betting Slip | Bo Staff | Bonsai Scissors | Frog Creek Pennsylvania: Home Town USA | Grappling Hook | Haiku | Jack's Glasses | Kimomos | Magic Amulet | Ninja Outfits | Parchment | Passport | Rotten Fish | Shuko | Smoke Bombs | Throwing Stars | Island Medallion
Tree House
Locations Backyard | East Edo | Fortress Cliff | Fortress Level 1 | Fortress Level 2 | Fortress Level 3 | Fortress Rooftops | Garden Hut | Great Bridge | Imperial Garden | Inner Sanctum | Main Street | Secluded Lake | Small Hut | Tree House | West Edo | Woods
Characters Annie | Basho | Cloud Dragon | Jack | Kappa | Red Dragon | The Shogun
Member Items N/A
Animals Bat | Bigfoot | Bosko Oksob | Cerberus | Chupacabra | Cobra | Dragon | Elmer | Exploding Crab | Giant Squid | Great Beast | Great Booga Shark | Hydra | Jellyfish | Jersey Devil | Kappa | Little Eddie | Pegasus | Prized Porker | Red Baron | Scorpion | Sea Monsters | Snoopy | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Whiskers | White Whale | Wild Boar | Wolves | Yeti
Humanoids Big Blue | Christopher | Count Bram | Elf Queen | Elves | Fiona | Goblin | Medusa | Minotaur | The Oompa-Loompas | Princess Dagger | Purple Giant | Ringmaster Raven | Satyrs | Titan | Zomberry
Insects CC13 Influenza | Dryads | Giant Caterpillar | Giant Spider | Giant Spider (Early Poptropica)
Nature Gargoyle | Nabooti Totem | Nessie | Nøkken | Plant Monster Brains | Plant Monsters | Rock-Caterpillar | Trolls
Robots Dragotank | Mechanical Mouse | Merlin | Metal Piranha | Mother Phoenix | Space Sharks | Tigercopter