Poptropica Wiki

The Hydra is a 5-headed reptilian/amphibious beast in Mythology Island. Its scale is one of the Five Sacred Items.


Hydra has green skin, sharp (magical) spines and teeth, thick lips, and a menacing glare. Its skin is covered with scales, even though it looks smooth, like a frog's.


The Hydra is located in its cave, which is an underwater area in the realm of Poseidon. To get there, you must swim through an underwater cavern. When battling the Hydra, each one of its heads will rear back and plunge down towards you. When that happens, jump and land on them. This will knock them out. There are five heads and you must make sure all of them are knocked out. After that, click on it to retrieve its scale.



  • In Greek Mythology, the Hydra has 9 heads and lives in a swamp, in contrast to the Hydra in Poptropica, which has 5 heads and resides in an underwater cave.
  • It is similar to Cerberus in a few ways. Both are found in Mythology Island, both have multiple heads, and both have to be put to sleep in order to obtain an item from their respective bodies.
Animals Bat | Bigfoot | Bosko Oksob | Cerberus | Chupacabra | Cobra | Dragon | Elmer | Exploding Crab | Giant Squid | Great Beast | Great Booga Shark | Hydra | Jellyfish | Jersey Devil | Kappa | Little Eddie | Pegasus | Prized Porker | Red Baron | Scorpion | Sea Monsters | Snoopy | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Whiskers | White Whale | Wild Boar | Wolves | Yeti
Humanoids Big Blue | Christopher | Count Bram | Elf Queen | Elves | Fiona | Goblin | Medusa | Minotaur | The Oompa-Loompas | Princess Dagger | Purple Giant | Ringmaster Raven | Satyrs | Titan | Zomberry
Insects CC13 Influenza | Dryads | Giant Caterpillar | Giant Spider | Giant Spider (Early Poptropica)
Nature Gargoyle | Nabooti Totem | Nessie | Nøkken | Plant Monster Brains | Plant Monsters | Rock-Caterpillar | Trolls
Robots Dragotank | Mechanical Mouse | Merlin | Metal Piranha | Mother Phoenix | Space Sharks | Tigercopter
Mythology Island logo transparent
Items Reed Pipe | Starfish | Golden Apple | Sacred Items Scroll | Island Medallion | Drachma | Pomegranates | Touchscreen Mirror | Five Sacred Items (Giant Pearl | Rare Flower | Ring from the Minotaur | Hydra's Scale | Whisker from Cerberus) | Poseidon's Trident | Pipe Tune | Hades' Crown | Bag of Wind
Locations Mount Olympus (Herc's Hero Hut | Midas's Gym | Museum of Olympus) | Tree of Immortality | Grove of Temples (Temple of Apollo | Temple of Hades (River Styx | The Underworld) | Temple of Poseidon (Poseidon's Beach | Hydra's Cave)) | Aqueduct of the Sphinx | Aeolus' Wind Wagon
Characters Aeolus | Aphrodite | Apollo | Ares | Artemis | Athena | Bat | Cerberus | Charon | Demeter | Dionysus | Hades | Hephaestus | Hera | Hercules | Hermes | Hestia | Hydra | Jersey Devil | Medusa | Minotaur | Muses | Poseidon | Satyrs | Scorpion | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Titan | Triton | Zeus
Member Items N/A