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The Hot Dog Vendor is a man who appears in Super Power Island.


He is white with brown hair and a brown moustache with a tank top and a hot dog apron. He also has a hat.


Role on Super Power Island[]

You only need to talk to him once. At the end of the island you will need to get a hot dog and trade it for a medal from Ned Noodlehead.

Role in Super Hot Dog Boy[]

The Hot Dog Man is seen giving a woman a hot dog. He sees Ratman's rats stealing his hot dogs and cries for help.

Super Power Island logo transparent
Items Anti-Power Handcuffs | Hot Dog | Island Medallion | Super Hero ID | Super Villain Files | The Superhero's Handbook
Locations City Park (Boys' Restroom | Girls' Restroom) | Down Town (Bank) | The Junkyard | Main Street (Comic Shop | The Daily Paper | Masks & Capes) | The Skyscraper (Betty Jetty Battle) | Sewer Entrance | Sewer Room | Subway Station (Subway)
Characters Bank Policeman | Bank Policewoman | Betty Jetty | City Park Policeman | Copy Cat | County Jail Policeman | Crusher | Distressed Banker | Hazmat Hermit | Hot Dog Vendor | Junkyard Policeman | Junkyard Policewoman | Main Street Policeman | Masks & Capes Policewoman | Masks & Capes Salesman | Ned Noodlehead | Pretzel Vendor | Prison Warden | Randomized NPCs | Ratman | Rats | Retired Superhero | Scientist | Sir Rebral | Skyscraper Policeman | Sneaky Bear | Speeding Spike | Subway Policeman | Subway Policewoman | Vicious Flies
Member Items N/A