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Joe Puddy is a construction worker on Zomberry Island. He hates fruit, but his wife Elaine keeps trying to make him eat them.



Puddy has tan sin, short brown hair, and stubble. He wears a construction workers vest and belt and blue pants.


In the comic Zomberry: Day Zero, Puddy does not smile or show any emotion other than boredom, annoyance, disgust, and fear. He hates fruit for an unknown reason. When his wife Elaine tries many different ways to make him eat fruit, he is annoyed and bored by it. Although he is a man of his word, as when he tells Elaine that he'll only eat fruit when the apocalypse happens, when it actually does he eats the fruit. He was angry at Samuel Brains and chased him away.


Role in Zomberry: Day Zero[]

Joe is the main character of this six-part comic. At first, his wife constantly attempts to get him to eat fruit. When she asks him what it will take for him to eat fruit, he answers "the apocalypse." He then greets many of his friends on the way to work. Suddenly one of them started coughing and transforms into a Zomberry. Zomberries start appearing all around him and begin to attack him. A helicopter appears above them and while describing the situation to the remaining non-Zomberry citizens, mentions that the Zomberries were afraid of light. The helicopter flashes a spotlight onto Joe, warding off the Zomberries. Joe then escaped to the construction site and, seeing how the "apocalypse" had arrived, and he fulfills his promise by eating the fruit in his lunchbox, transforming him into a Zomberry like the other posioned citizens.

Role on Zomberry Island[]

In Zomberry Island, Joe first appears as a Zomberry (zombie) on the building that the construction workers were at first working on. He became a Zomberry because he told Elaine that the only reason he'd eat fruit was if the apocalypse came. And when the zombie outbreak started, he decided to eat fruit, and he unknowingly ate blueberries, which turned him into a Zomberry. When you activate the crane you must pick the beam he's on up to carry him and the bricks blocking your way up, and then you can rummage through his lunchbox. He later chases Samuel Brains.


Zomberry: Day Zero[]

Zomberry Island[]


  • On the Avatar Studio, if you type JoePuddyCreator, a user named Striped Storm, who looks very similar to Joe, comes up.
  • He appears in the island as a Zomberry.
  • In the game he is smiling, although it goes against his personality.