Poptropica Wiki

El Mustachio Grande, more commonly known simply as just "El Mustachio," is the villain of the Wild West Island. He is the leader of the Grande Gang.



El Mustachio Grande looks like a classic wild west villain. He carries around a gun and wears ammunition around his torso. He has red hair along with a red mustache. He wears a sombrero with red and yellow triangles. He has a gold tooth and stubble.


Grande is a very shameless outlaw, stealing from every bank, robbing every train, stealing the mayor's underpants, and even stealing from his own grandmother's garden. His hygiene is also quite terrible, and he might be an alcoholic (root beer) as there are many bottles around his hideout.


Grande's horse has red fur and a yellow mane. It has a mustache. It has a branded "M" on its hip.


Role on Wild West Island[]

El Mustachio serves as the villain for this Island, he first appears in the Train Robbery game. In the Final Shootdown, after defeating the others he runs out exclaiming, "You'll never catch me, Marshal." You must hunt him down on your horse until he gets trapped behind the wall of a canyon and you lasso him. He later appears in the Diamond Plains Prison.

Role on Super Villain Island[]

After an unknown event, El Mustachio Grande was transferred to Erewhon Prison For Super Villains. While in the elevator to Dr. Jupiter's Lab, you can see El Mustachio along with Copy Cat, Mr. Silva, Sir Rebral, The Crusher, Ratman, Betty Jetty, and Gretchen Grimlock. If you click on him he says, "When I get my hands on that warden...." He is currently still held in Erewhon Prison.

In the Poptropica 2011 Villiany Contest[]

During the Poptropica Villain Showdown, he and Captain Crawfish were tied for third place. In round three, he was just beat by Binary Bard.


Wild West Island.[]

Super Villain Island.[]

Pop Quiz[]





  • His name is Spanish for "The Large Mustache."
  • The name "Mustachio" is named after his red mustache. 
  • He is the only main villain with a gun.
  • He is a Spanish rival cowboy.
  • He is the only villain with a Spanish name.
  • It is believed that he would be the fifth returning villain for Super Villain Island, as there were five dream machine chambers shown in the Daily Pop sneak peeks.
  • His horse is red with a yellow mane and tail.

Pop Quiz answers[]

  • He probably doesn't like the taste or hasn't had sushi, as shown on a Profile Quiz Question.
  • He wouldn't become a robot just to live forever.
Super Villain Island logo transparent
Items Walkie Talkie | Grog-Brand Turpentine | Villain Totems (Astrolabe Totem | Model Ship Totem | Paintbrush Totem | Golden Carrot Totem) | Empty Sprayer | Island Medallion | Stopwatch | Crystal Key | Shrinking Potion | Filled Sprayer | Poseidon's Trident | Hovercraft | Override Code
Super Villain Island Icon
Locations Main Street (You Know The Drill Eatery | Control Room) | Prison Exterior | Erewhon Prison For Super Villains (Security Room | Guard Room | Prison Lab) | Mordred's Hideout | Zeus's Dream | Dr. Hare's Dream | Captain Crawfish's Dream (Captain Crawfish Dream Bottle) | Black Widow's Dream
Characters Copy Cat | Sir Rebral | Ratman | Crusher | Betty Jetty | Mr. Silva | El Mustachio Grande | Gretchen Grimlock | Zeus | Mordred | Captain Crawfish | Black Widow | Dr. Hare | Mechanical Mouse | Merlin | Poseidon | Sleeping Pirates | Worms | Spiders | Oil Rig Workers | Oil Rig Manager | Chopper Pilot | Security Guards
Member Items Dream Guardian