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Bosko Oksob is a character on Goofball Island. He appears on Goofside in front of a mechanic shop. He usually likes to tell "jokes" which don't make any sense. He'll also give you the Leaf Blower after being turned into bland.


He's a big monster with purple furs covered with a darker purple spot. He also has purple tail and green tummy. He also has green spikes on his head, and a teal nose.

While on his "bland" look, his color scheme turns gray-scale, he wears a spectacle, and he wears a formal suit.


  • His last name, Oksob is the backward of his first name, Bosko.
  • Bosko's original idea by the creator of Goofball Island was going to be a big clown working as an auto mechanic.
  • He may be named after "Bosko, The Talk-INK Kid" an old Disney animation character. Or perhaps Bosko The Clown.


Goofball Island Transparent
Items Blandify Device | Broken Device | Crazy Club Matchbook | Finger Print Kit | Gray Crystal | Leaf Blower | Fingerprints (Bobby's Print | Bosko's Print | Jumpy's Print | Mayor's Print) | Pinata Costume | Suspect Files
Goofball Island Title
Locations Dentist's Office | Dreary Building (Room 7) | Dullsvile | Dullsville Station Subway | Goofside (Crazy Club) | Main Street (City Hall) | Subway Tunnel
Characters Bobby Bill | Bosko Oksob | Detective Anna Gram | The Dusty Crust Bakery Seller | Emperor Thirsty Flame III | Fry | Regular Dan | Jumpy Spinner | Mayor Naise | Xavier
Member Items
Animals Bat | Bigfoot | Bosko Oksob | Cerberus | Chupacabra | Cobra | Dragon | Elmer | Exploding Crab | Giant Squid | Great Beast | Great Booga Shark | Hydra | Jellyfish | Jersey Devil | Kappa | Little Eddie | Pegasus | Prized Porker | Red Baron | Scorpion | Sea Monsters | Snoopy | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Whiskers | White Whale | Wild Boar | Wolves | Yeti
Humanoids Big Blue | Christopher | Count Bram | Elf Queen | Elves | Fiona | Goblin | Medusa | Minotaur | The Oompa-Loompas | Princess Dagger | Purple Giant | Ringmaster Raven | Satyrs | Titan | Zomberry
Insects CC13 Influenza | Dryads | Giant Caterpillar | Giant Spider | Giant Spider (Early Poptropica)
Nature Gargoyle | Nabooti Totem | Nessie | Nøkken | Plant Monster Brains | Plant Monsters | Rock-Caterpillar | Trolls
Robots Dragotank | Mechanical Mouse | Merlin | Metal Piranha | Mother Phoenix | Space Sharks | Tigercopter