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The Aztec Empire is found on Time Tangled Island. When you get there, you will see some temples. On one is the king and his assistants. You will see that a piece of the sun stone is missing. It can be found in the Thomas Edison time period. On another is an old man, who will give you his mask. At the base of the king's temple, you can see some guards, one of which has the goggles that you must return to the hikers on Mount Everest. In the corn field at the front, you can see a European soldier hiding. In between the temples, there is a rack with skulls on it.


Time Tangled Island logo transparent
Items Amulet | Declaration of Independence | Glider | Goggles | Golden Vase | Gunpowder | Island Medallion | Mission Printout | Notebook | Peace Medal | Phonograph | Piece of Stone | Rumpel's 2nd Riddle | Salt Rocks | Statuette of Liberty | Stone Bowl | Time Device | Viking Suit | Warrior Headdress
Time tangled island
Locations Ancient Greece (Temple of Apollo) | Aztec Empire | Da Vinci's Workshop | Edison's Workshop | The Graff House | Great Wall of China | Lewis and Clark | Main Street (Party Time Tower | Pendulum's Lab) | Mali Empire (Timbuktu Inn) | Mount Everest | Possible Future | Restored Future | Statue of Liberty (Gaget, Gauthier and Cie) | Vikings (Cave)
Characters Aristotle | Aztec Guards | Aztec King | Aztec Queen | Benjamin Franklin | Captain Meriwether Lewis | Chinese Soldier | Cobra | Document Merchant | Edmund Hillary | Exploding Crab | Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi | Greek Soldiers | Henry Ford | John Adams | Leonardo da Vinci | Oracle of Delphi | Professor Pendulum | Randomized NPCs | Sacagawea | Scientists | Spanish Soldier | Tenzing Norgay | Thomas Edison | Thomas Jefferson | Toussaint Charbonneau | Vlad the Viking | William Clark | York
Member Items N/A